Saturday, August 9, 2014

Beli Gitar ! XD

Dah lme nk beli gitar , akhirnye dpt jgkkkk ! Jyeahhh !XD Gitar Wrne Ungu + Hitam . Nak Tengok ? Hahaha

Monday, August 4, 2014

Gitar , sedih :(


Harini sedeyh giler tak dapat beli gitar :(
Takpelah, xde rezeki nk buat cmne :)


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Gitar oh gitar ~


2 hari sebelum raya aritu haziq balik kampung . Duk kampung ni mmg bosannn , tpi klau ade activity best gakk . Petang-ii dgr lgu on fb tu je ar keje . Seriusly, taktaw nak buat apa. Selalunye pakcik bawak pergi lastik burung , hahaha :D Tpi tu dulu, zaman jahiliah aku :3 Esoknya paklong aku pun balik kmpung . Aku tgk die bawak gitar die. Apa lagi, aku ngn abg aku pun tibai ar gitar dia, wkwkkwkw. Aku igt gitar ni main petik2 je , rupanye ade chord bagai. Mmg susah beb ! Tapi paklong aku ni pro gitar , da brpe lama pulak die men gitarrr , skrg rmbut da botak pun . hahaha . Mlm tu die suh aq nyanyi die men gitar, tpi aq ni pemalu sikit ^^ Cehhh ! Hahaha ! Pukul 2 pagi bru aku tidur tgk paklong aq men gitar ngn abg aku . Esk pagi kelam kabut nk pergi sembahyang raya . Padan muka ! Sape suh tido lambat :D Sejak hari tu , aku mnt main gitar . tpi xtaw ar bile aku bole jdi pro mcm paklong aku.. Da xtaw nk ckp pe agy . kla, byeeee

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Handstand Tutorial ( Malay )

Hi ! Harini aku akan ajr korang cara2 untuk stabilkan handstand korang ..first , korang kne bnyk buat rutin untuk bahu sbb handstand ni gunekan kekuatan bahu ..
Contoh-contoh rutin Untuk shoulder adalah
Tips ke-2 .. Korang kne biasekan buat handstand kat dinding.. hold dlm 10 sec. Kalau da bole, korg try jatuhkan kaki slow2 ke blkg . Mksudnye kaki tu tak kene dinding lgy ar..Contohnye cmni 

Yang ketiga , posisi kepala ..

Ni posisi kepala yg betul.. Posisi ni akn menyebabkan handstand korg akn jadi lebih stabil .. yang ni pulak posisi kepala yg tak betul, dn akn menyebabkan korang x stabil

Hahaha.. Okey , thats all.. Bye :)
Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan bole tanya saya di fb .. Tq

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Calisthenics are a form of exercise consisting of a variety of exercises, often rhythmical, movements, generally without using equipment or apparatus. They are intended to increase body strength and flexibility with movements such as bending, jumping, swinging, twisting or kicking, using only one'sbody weight for resistance. They are usually conducted in concert with stretches. Calisthenics when performed vigorously and with variety can benefit both muscular and cardiovascular fitness, in addition to improving psychomotor skills such as balance, agility and coordination.
Groups such as sports teams and military units often perform leader-directed group calisthenics as a form of synchronized physical training (often including a customized "call and response" routine) to increase group cohesion and discipline. Calisthenics are also popular as a component ofphysical education in primary and secondary schools over much of the globe.

Common exercises

Flexed arm hang female exercise for the Marine Corps.
In addition to the various stretches, some of the more common calisthenic exercises include:
Performed by bringing one leg forward and almost kneeling on the back leg. Once the front leg creates a perfect 90 degree angle you stand up and alternate legs. Keeping your back straight and chest out is important for proper form. There are many variations for lunges.
Performed by jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to a position with the feet together and the arms at the sides. Sometimes known as jumping jacks.
Performed by lying down with the back on the floor, knees bent, and bottoms of feet against the floor. The shoulders are then lifted off the floor by tightening abdominal muscles and bringing the chest closer to the knees. The final movement is to lower the back to the floor with a smooth movement. This trains the abdominal muscles.
Picture of a US Marine performing a pull-up.
US Marine performs a pull-up, a common calisthenic exercise.
Like the sit-up, except instead of bringing the whole torso area closer to the knees, only a concentrated but shorter movement of the abdominals is performed. Shoulder blades are lifted off the floor, and abdominals tightened.
Performed face down on the floor, palms against floor under the shoulders, toes curled upwards against the floor. The arms are used to lift the body while maintaining a straight line from head to heel. The arms of the subject should go from fully extended in the high position to nearly fully flexed in the low position, while the subject makes sure to avoid resting on the floor. Resting is only done in the high position of the exercise. Chest, shoulders, and triceps are trained with this exercise. By furthering the range of motion, what is often called a push up +, by pushing the shoulders downwards at the top the serratus anterior comes further into play.
An overhead bar (sometimes called a chin-up bar) is grasped using a shoulder-width grip. The subject lifts their body up, chin level with the bar, and keeping the back straight throughout. The bar remains in front of the subject at all times. The subject then slowly returns to starting position in a slow controlled manner. This primarily trains the lats or upper back muscles, as well as the forearms. An underhand grip variation or chin-up trains both the back and biceps.
Standing with feet shoulder width apart, the subject squats down as far as possible, bringing the arms forward parallel to the floor. The subject then returns to standing position. Squats train the quadricepshamstrings, calves, and gluteals.
Standing on a platform with an edge where the heels can hang (e.g. a curb), lift the body on the balls of the feet. The subject then slowly returns to starting position. This trains the gastrocnemius and to a lesser degree the soleus. A seated calf-raise trains the soleus.
Animation of an almost full push-up
Done between parallel bars or facing either direction of trapezoid bars found in some gyms. Feet are crossed with either foot in front and the body is lowered until the elbows are in line with the shoulders. The subject then pushes up until the arms are fully extended, but without locking the elbows. Dips focus primarily on the chest, triceps, and deltoids, especially the anterior portion.
Lying on your back, hands in fists under buttocks, move feet up and down near the ground.
This is the name for holding the 'top' position of a press up for extended periods of time. The primary muscle involved in this exercise is the rectus abdominis.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Harijadi ke 17

Seorang anak bertanya pada ibunya.

Anak : Mama, bila harijadi saya ke-17 nanti, boleh buat pesta dirumah?

Mama : Boleh...boleh..Nanti mama akan aturkan.

Anak : Ma, ..boleh saya mengajak kawan-kawan saya sekali?

Mama : Boleh, ..nanti mama uruskan jemputannya.

Anak : Ma.., boleh saya pakai baju baru berwarna pink tak?

Mama : Boleh...boleh, nanti mama belikan.

Maka tibalah harijadinya yang ke-17 itu, berpestalah dirumahnya, kawan-kawannya sudah datang, anak itu memakai baju barunya dan kembali bertanya pada mamanya.

Anak : Ma..boleh saya pakai lipstick tak?

Mama : Tak boleh!

Anak : Alah.....mama, pada harijadi ke-17 ini kan terjadi cuma sekali dalam hidup, takkan pakai lipstick pun tak boleh...

Mama : Tidak boleh.! Kamu boleh adakan pesta, kamu boleh menjemput rakan-rakan kamu, kamu boleh pakai baju pink baru itu, tapi kamu tidak boleh pakai lipstick

Anak : Alaaaa ....boleh la mama........., please.....

Mama : Azwan!!!!! kali ini mama tidak mahu berkompromi... TIDAK BOLEH, kamukan Lelaki!

Cerita Seram - Bas tanpa pemandu

Kisah bermula pada suatu malam... Lebih kurang pukul 12:00 tengah malam. Mamat sorang nie Bersama rakannya nama terpaksa dirahsiakan) dalam perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Kuala Selangor melalui jalan Kepong. Setibanya dia di Ijok, di kawasan perkuburan Cina dan kawasan pembakaran mayat India ... tiba-tiba kereta yang dipandunya mengalami kerosakkan. 

Mamat nie tak dapat nak menghidupkan enjin keretanya, walaupun dicuba berulang kali. Walhal kereta tersebut baru sebulan pakai. Mamat nie dan rakannya pun menolak kereta mereka ke bahu jalan dan mereka cuba mencari bantuan jika ada kenderaan yang lalu. Malam dah gelap sapa nak tolong, kereta rosak tepi jalan. 

Tiba-tiba mereka terlihat sebuah bas sekolah yang datang dari arah Kuala Selangor. Bas tersebut bergerak terlalu perlahan walhal jarak bas tersebut dengan mereka tidaklah jauh, tetapi bas tersebut tidak jugak sampai-sampai. Mereka menggigil ketakutan, aper taknye, bas tak ada pemandu, tak der orang langsung, camane boleh gerak sendiri. Kaki mula tak boleh bergerak, mamat tu dah mula terkencing kat seluar, nak lari pun tak boleh, mulut kawan dia mula terkomat kamit membaca jampi serapah nak halau hantu, nak cuba lari tapi tak mampu, mamat tu mula tercium bau macam-macam! Waktu tu Tuhan aje yang tau betapa takutnye mereka. 

Bila bas tu dah semakin hampir, memang sah tak ader pemandu, Mamat tu dan kawan dia dah tersandar kat kereta menanti hantu nak cekik.. tiba2? 

"Bang, boleh tolong tolak bas ni tak, rosak la bang" Terdengar suara dari belakang bas, mereka ternampak dua orang lelaki India sedang menolak bas tersebut dalam keadaan yang termengah-mengah.